2021—至今 上海海洋大学副教授
2018—2021 上海海洋大学讲师
2023—2024 联合国粮食及农业组织渔业与水产养殖司挂职锻炼
2022—2023 联合国粮食及农业组织渔业与水产养殖司顾问(兼职)
2021—2021 农业农村部渔业渔政管理局国际合作处挂职锻炼
2019—2020 农业农村部渔业渔政管理局渔政处挂职锻炼
2017—至今 阳光时代(上海)律师事务所国际业务部/环境业务部律师
2012—2014 都柏林大学孔子学院兼职讲师
1. Yanxuedan Zhang, Yi Tang, Yu Zhang, Yuqiong Sun, Haoran Yang. Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on fish trade and the coping strategies: an initial assessment from China's perspective. Marine Policy. 2021. (SSCI)
2. Yi Tang, Wenjin Chen, Yanxuedan Zhang. International Cooperation and Coordination in the Global Legislation of High Seas ABMTs including MPAs: Taking OSPAR Practice as Reference. Marine Policy. 2021. (SSCI)
3. Yanxuedan Zhang. Review: the Rise of China and International Law. Taking Chinese Exceptionalism Seriously, Europe-Asia Studies, 2021. (SSCI)
4. Yanxuedan Zhang. Review: Legal Lessons. Popularizing Laws in the People’s Republic of China 1949-1989. Europe-Asia Studies. 2020. (SSCI)
5. 唐议,郭亚,张燕雪丹*.公益诉讼中水生动植物资源损害鉴定评估现状评析及完善建议. 中国环境管理.2023年.(CSSCI扩展)
6.李钊丞, 张燕雪丹*. 基于物种濒危状况评价与种群增长的评估方法在水生野生动物保护司法中的应用. 生物多样性.2023年.(CSCD核心库,卓越期刊)
7. 唐议, 范晶玲, 张燕雪丹*. 论水产种质资源的价值构成. 水产学报. (CSCD核心库,已录用)
8. 张燕雪丹. 从涉外渔业谈判看我国国际化谈判人才的培养. 团结. 2022年.
9. 唐议, 杨浩然, 张燕雪丹*.《生物多样性公约》背景下我国珊瑚礁保护制度回顾. 生物多样性. 2021年. (CSCD核心库,卓越期刊)
10. 吴娟, 张燕雪丹*,杨杨. 乡村振兴视角下水产养殖证管理制度再探究. 中国渔业经济. 2021年.
11. 张瑜, 张燕雪丹, 唐议. 浅析疫情下我国海洋水产品贸易新格局. 《中国海洋法年刊(2021)》. 2021年.
12. 张燕雪丹,崔金星. 海洋生态环境保护监管新格局下执法困境与破解路径. 环境与可持续发展. 2019年.
13. 张燕雪丹, 周珂. 环境司法与环境行政执法协调联动的基本模式及主要障碍. 南京工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2019年. (CSSCI扩展)
1. 张燕雪丹,郭云峰,黄振华. 《涉渔公益诉讼案件办理指引与案例分析》.法律出版社.2022年.
2. 周珂,易骆之,张燕雪丹.《绿色交通法治建设理论与实践研究》.法律出版社.2022年.
3. 周珂, 张燕雪丹等. 《环境法(第六版)》(新编21世纪系列法学教材). 中国人民大学出版社. 2021年.
4. 张燕雪丹, 柏堃, 侯佳儒(译). 《谈判与文化:心理过程、社会过程与具体情境》. 中国政法大学出版社. 2019年. ISBN: 978-7-5620-8551-5.
5. 裴兆斌, 唐议, 曲亚囡, 张燕雪丹等.《渔业行政执法人员执法资格考试辅导教材(第二版)》. 中国农业出版社. 2019年. ISBN: 978-7-109-26399-4.
6. 竺效等(译)/竺效, 张燕雪丹等(校).《瑞典环境法典》. 法律出版社. 2018年. ISBN:978-7-5197-2102-2.
1. 联合国危机与疫情期间贸易模式条款政策研究Hackathon项目杰出贡献评价(国际)
2. 2022年农业农村部长江渔业监督管理办公室“长江禁渔执法监管先进个人”
3. 2020年农业农村部“中国渔政亮剑2020”系列专项执法行动工作成绩突出个人
4. 2021年北京市法学会环境资源法学研究会第三届“周珂彩石奖”论文二等奖
5. 2021年联合国全球养殖大会(GCA)筹备工作先进个人
6. 2022年度上海海洋大学人文社会科学奖二等奖
7. 2020年度上海海洋大学人文社会科学奖二等奖
4. 2022年,CULSC全国大学生生命科学竞赛:鱼渔——濒危鱼类执法与科普教育双向互动的先行者,指导教师(排序第一),该项目获全国三等奖;
5. 2021—2022年,上海市“大学生创新创业训练计划项目”:鱼类图像识别技术及其应用开发,指导教师(排序第一);
6. 2021年,第七届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛校级项目:用于多种场景的鱼类鉴定软件公司,指导教师(排序第一),该项目获本科生创意组三等奖;
7. 2021年,2021年“知行杯”上海海洋大学社会实践大赛:聚焦基层治理新难题,共绘智慧渔村新蓝图——基于浙江省台州市和舟山市的社会调查,指导教师(排序第一);
8. 指导2021届、2022届本科生各1人获校级优秀毕业论文。
Yanxuedan ZHANG, PhD, Associate Professor. Research direction: fisheries law and regulation, ocean governance, fish trade and environment, and environment litigation. She has engaged into many research relating to fisheries law and regulation, and practical work including legislation, law enforcement and training courses.
Sep. 2010-Sep. 2017
Doctor of Philosophy, University College Dublin
Sep. 2007-Jun. 2010
Juris Master, Renmin University of China
Sep. 2003-Jun. 2007
Bachelor’s degree, South China University of Science and Technology
Work Experience
2018-present Shanghai Ocean University, permanent teaching position
2023-present Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, consultant (based in Rome)
2022-2023 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, consultant (based in Shanghai)
2021-2021 the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Officer in international cooperation
2019-2020 the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Officer in legal affairs and law enforcement
2017-present Sunshine Law Firm Shanghai Office, lawyer
2012-2014 Confucius Institute of University College Dublin, lecturer
Think tank on Fisheries law, regulation and law enforcement under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, expert
Think tank on Fisheries studies and consultation center, senior researcher
Legal negotiation association of Beijing Law Society, Council member
Peer-reviewed journal papers in recent five years
1. Zhaochen Li, Yanxuedan Zhang*, Valuation Method for Endangered Species based on the Extinction Risk Evaluation and Population Growth and its Application in Wildlife Related Judicial Practice, 2022, Biodiversity Science, 2023, (3): 22319. (in Chinese)
2. Yanxuedan Zhang, Comments on Internationalized Negotiator Cultivation from Fisheries Negotiation, Solidarity, 2022(01), 46. (in Chinese)
3. Yi Tang, Haoran Yang, Yanxuedan Zhang*, Conservation of coral reef systems under Convention on Biological Diversity: Review of China’s performance and suggestions, 2022 Biodiversity Science 30(2),1-11. (in Chinese)
4. Yanxuedan Zhang, Yi Tang, Yu Zhang, Yuqiong Sun, Haoran Yang, Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on fish trade and the coping strategies: an initial assessment from China's perspective, 2021, 133 Marine Policy 104748.
5. Yi Tang, Wenjin Chen, Yanxuedan Zhang, International Cooperation and Coordination in the Global Legislation of High Seas ABMTs including MPAs: Taking OSPAR Practice as Reference, 2021, 133 Marine Policy 104767.
6. Yu Zhang, Yanxuedan Zhang*, Yi Tang, Analysis on the New Development for Trade of Marine Fish Products under the Pandemic. Chapter in China Marine Law Yearbook (2021). Intellectual Property Publishing: 2021. (in Chinese)
7. Yanxuedan Zhang, Review: The Rise of China and International Law. Taking Chinese Exceptionalism Seriously, 2021, 73(2) Europe-Asia Studies, 422-423.
8. Juan Wu, Yanxuedan Zhang*, Yang Yang, Re-examination of Aquaculture License System in China from the Perspective of Rural Vitalization, China Fisheries Economy, 2021, 39(4): 11-22. (in Chinese)
9. Yanxuedan Zhang, Review: Legal Lessons. Popularizing Laws in the People's Republic of China 1949-1989, 2020, 72(2) Europe-Asia Studies, 339-341.
10. Yanxuedan Zhang, Jinxing Cui. New Horizon for Marine Environment Protection: Law Enforcement Dilemma and the Breakthrough, Environment and Sustainable Development, 2020(4): 32-42. (in Chinese)
11. Yanxuedan Zhang, Ke Zhou, The Types of Interaction between Adjudication and Administration in Environmental Law Enforcement and the Obstacles in its Coordination and Cooperation, Journal of Nanjing Tech University (Social Science Edition), 2019(3): 32-42. (in Chinese)
Books in recent five years
1. Yanxuedan Zhang, Yunfeng Guo, Zhenhua Huang, Fisheries Public Interests Litigation Guidelines and Cases Analysis. Law Press·China, 2022. ISBN: 978-7-5197-6785-3. (in Chinese)
2. Ke Zhou, Fei Mo, Ya Xu, Xiaoxiao Lin, Xinjian Su, Xiang Niu, Wei Luo, Yanxuedan Zhang, Huicong Zhang, Wenting Liang eds., Environment Law (6th edn.). Renmin University Press, 2021. (in Chinese)
3. Yingbang Huang, Qiaer Wu et.al., Yanxuedan Zhang (eds.), Safe Management of Fisheries Production, China Agriculture Press. 2020. ISBN: 978-7-109-26944-6. (in Chinese)
4. Yanxuedan Zhang, Kun Bo, Jiaru Hou (trs.), the Handbook of Negotiation and Culture, MJ Gelfand and JM Brett eds., China University of Political Science and Law Publishing, 2019. (in Chinese)
5. Zhaobin Pei, Yi Tang, Yanan Qu, Yanxuedan Zhang (eds.), Guidebook for Fisheries Law Enforcement Qualification Examination (2nd edn.). China Agriculture Press, 2019. ISBN: 978-7-109-26399-4. (in Chinese)
Research projects
1. Dec. 2022~Principle Investigator in project: Regulation for Protection Area of Aquatic Genetic Resources: focus on Rules applied on Environment Assessment. Funder: Fisheries Management and Law Enforcement Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
2. Dec. 2022~Core member in project: Establishment of a Comprehensive Property Rights System for Natural Resources in the People’s Republic of China. Funder: National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences (National Social Science Key Projects)
3. Jun. 2022~Principle Investigator in project: Study on Fish-related Pollution Accident and Ecological Damage: Guidelines for Emergency Treatment and Legal Investigation. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
4. Jan. 2022~Dec. 2022Principle Investigator in project: Supporting Programme for Revision of Fisheries Law of People’s Republic of China. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
5. Jan. 2022~Dec. 2022Principle Investigator in project: Supporting Programme for Revision of Marine Environmental Protection Law of People’s Republic of China. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
6. Dec. 2022~Dec. 2022Principle Investigator in project: Program on Drafting Administrative Regulation on Protecting Land for Aquaculture Purpose. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
7. Aug. 2021~Sep. 2022Principle Investigator in project: Provision of Study reports associated with fisheries and aquaculture industry-Regional Trade Agreements associated with China. Funder: Food and Agriculture Organization
8. Jan. 2021~Dec. 2021Principal Investigator in project: Study on the Revision of Fisheries Law and Studies on Key Provisions. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
9. Dec. 2020~Nov. 2022Core Member in project: Studies on the protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin from a legal perspective. Funder: National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences (National Social Science Key Projects)
10. May. 2020~Sep. 2020Co-Principal Investigator in project: Policy Hackathon on Model Provisions for Trade in Times of Crisis and Pandemic in Regional and other Trade Agreements. Funder: UNESCAP, UNCTAD
11. Jan. 2020~Dec. 2020Principal Investigator in project: Study on the Revision of Fisheries Law and Consideration of Aquatic Genetic Resources in the Law. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
12. Jan. 2020~Dec. 2020Principal Investigator in project: Aquaculture license system and its conflicts with sea area use permit and land using rights. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
13. Dec. 2019~Jun. 2020Principal Investigator in project: Marine environment protection: the coordination of relevant departments and responsibilities of local government. Funder: Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China
14. Sep. 2019~Dec. 2019Principal Investigator in project: Conflicts and coordination between fisheries law, regulation on natural resources and environment protection. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
15. Mar. 2019~Dec. 2019Principal Investigator in project: Positive analysis of environmental public interest litigation related to fisheries and establishment of legal mechanism. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
16. Oct. 2019~Dec. 2019Principal Investigator in project: Translation project for laws and regulations of other countries relevant to fisheries and marine regulation. Funder: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
1. UNESCAP and UNCTAD: Certificate of Excellent Contribution, September, 2020.
2. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China: Certificate for Outstanding Performance in “China Fishery Law Enforcement Command Drawing Sword Action 2020”, December 2020.
3. Commission for Managing Fisheries Work in Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China: Certificate for Outstanding Performance in Law Enforcement related to Fisheries, March 2022
4. Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China: Acknowledgement of Recommendations on Protection of Aquaculture Land. Dec., 2021.
5. Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China: Acknowledgement of Recommendations on Public Interest Litigation. May, 2021.
6. Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China: Acknowledgement of Recommendations on Public Interest Litigation. May, 2020.
7. Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China: Acknowledgment letter. Dec, 2021
8. Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China: Acknowledgment letter. Jan, 2020
9. Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China: Acknowledgment letter. Jan, 2019